Java 客户端


项目地址:Pegasus Java Client


git clone
cd pegasus-java-client


git checkout v2.0.0
mvn clean package -DskipTests

安装到本地的maven repository,方便在项目中使用:

mvn clean install -DskipTests



注:2.0.0版本仅适用于服务端PegasusServer >= 2.0, 如果服务端版本较低,请使用下面的版本



创建Java client实例需要配置相关参数,用户可以选择两种方式进行配置:文件配置方式和参数传递方式




meta_servers =,,
operation_timeout = 1000
# 以下参数可以根据需要添加,否则以默认值即可
async_workers = 4
enable_perf_counter = true
perf_counter_tags = cluster=onebox,app=unit_test
push_counter_interval_secs = 10
meta_query_timeout = 5000


  • meta_servers: 必选项,表示Pegasus集群的MetaServer地址列表,用于定位集群的位置。
  • operation_timeout: 可选项,表示各操作的默认超时时间,单位毫秒,默认值为1000。接口中每个操作一般都可以指定单独的超时时间,当指定为0时,使用该默认超时时间。
  • async_workers:可选项,后台工作线程数,内部实际是Netty NIO处理客户端和replica_server之间RPC的线程,默认:4
  • enable_perf_counter:可选项,是否开启性能指标监控数据,如果开启则客户端会周期性的上报监控数据,目前仅支持Falcon,默认:true(2.0.0以前默认为false)
  • perf_counter_tags:可选项,falcon监控数据标签,如果开启监控,建议设置易于区分不同业务的标签名字。默认:空
  • push_counter_interval_secs:可选值,falcon监控数据上报间隔,默认:10s
  • meta_query_timeout: 可选项,与MetaServer建立连接的超时时间,一般首次建立连接将需要更多的时间,用户可以根据实际场景配置该参数,以降低服务首次启动后的请求超时问题。连接默认值:5000ms(2.0.0以前没有该参数,默认等于operation_timeout)


PegasusClientInterface client = PegasusClientFactory.getSingletonClient(configPath);

其中configPath的格式为type : // path,目前type支持三种类型:

  • 本地文件系统
    • 格式:file:///path/to/config
    • 样例1:file://./ (表示本地 ./ 文件)
    • 样例2:file:///home/work/ (表示本地 /home/work/ 文件)
  • Java Resource
    • 格式:resource:///path/to/config
    • 样例1:resource:///
    • 样例2:resource:///com/xiaomi/xxx/
  • Zookeeper
    • 格式:zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3/path/to/config
    • 样例1:zk://
    • 样例2:zk://,



  • metaServers:必选项,meta_servers地址,默认:,,
  • operationTimeout:可选项,客户端请求的超时阈值,默认:1000ms
  • asyncWorkers:可选项,后台工作线程数,内部实际是Netty NIO处理客户端和replica_server之间RPC的线程,默认:4
  • enablePerfCounter:可选项,是否开启性能指标监控数据,如果开启则客户端会周期性的上报监控数据,目前仅支持Falcon,默认:false
  • falconPerfCounterTags:可选项,falcon监控数据标签,如果开启监控,建议设置易于区分不同业务的标签名字。默认:空
  • falconPushInterval:可选项,falcon监控数据上报间隔,默认:10s
  • metaQueryTimeout: 可选项,与MetaServer建立连接的超时时间,一般首次建立连接将需要更多的时间,用户可以根据实际场景配置该参数,以降低服务首次启动后的请求超时问题。连接默认值:5000ms(2.0.0以前没有该参数,默认等于operation_timeout)


ClientOptions clientOptions = ClientOptions.create()


ClientOptions clientOptions =



类名 功能
PegasusClientFactory Client工厂类,用于创建Client实例
PegasusClientInterface Client接口类,封装了各种同步API,也可用于创建Table实例
PegasusTableInterface Table接口类,封装了存取单个Table数据的同步和异步API


  • Client接口直接在参数中指定表名,省去了打开表的动作,使用更便捷。
  • Table接口同时支持同步和异步API,而Client接口只支持同步API
  • Table接口可以为每个操作设置单独的超时,而Client接口无法单独指定超时,只能使用配置文件中的默认超时。
  • Table接口在2.0.0中增加了backupRequestDelayMs参数,可以开启backup-request功能,以提高读性能,详情参见:Backup-Request
  • Table接口的超时更准确,而Client接口在首次读写请求时可能需要在内部初始化Table对象,所以首次读写的超时可能不太准确。
  • 推荐用户首选Table接口。







  * Get the singleton client instance with default config path of "resource:///".
  * After used, should call PegasusClientFactory.closeSingletonClient() to release resource.
  * @return PegasusClientInterface PegasusClientInterface.
  * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public static PegasusClientInterface getSingletonClient() throws PException;

  * Get the singleton client instance with customized config path. After used, should call
  * PegasusClientFactory.closeSingletonClient() to release resource.
  * @param configPath configPath could be:
  * - zookeeper path  : zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3/path/to/config
  * - local file path : file:///path/to/config
  * - java resource   : resource:///path/to/config
  * @return PegasusClientInterface PegasusClientInterface.
  * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public static PegasusClientInterface getSingletonClient(String configPath) throws PException;

  * Get the singleton client instance instance with ClientOptions. After used, should call
  * PegasusClientFactory.closeSingletonClient() to release resource.
  * @param options The client option
  * @return PegasusClientInterface PegasusClientInterface.
  * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public static PegasusClientInterface getSingletonClient(ClientOptions options) throws PException;


PegasusClientInterface client = PegasusClientFactory.getSingletonClient(configPath);

... ...






  * Create a client instance. After used, should call client.close() to release resource.
  * @param configPath client config path,could be:
  * - zookeeper path  : zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3/path/to/config
  * - local file path : file:///path/to/config
  * - java resource   : resource:///path/to/config
  * @return PegasusClientInterface.
  * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public static PegasusClientInterface createClient(String configPath) throws PException;

  * Create a client instance instance with ClientOptions. After used, should call
  * client.close() to release resource.
  * @param options The client option
  * @return PegasusClientInterface.
  * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public static PegasusClientInterface createClient(ClientOptions options) throws PException;


PegasusClientInterface client = PegasusClientFactory.createClient(configPath);

... ...





 * Get value.
 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to get this k-v,
 *                if null or length == 0, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all the k-v under hashKey will be sorted by sortKey,
 *                if null or length == 0, means sort key is "".
 * @return value; null if not found
 * @throws PException
public byte[] get(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKey。
  • 返回值:如果返回null,表示key对应的数据不存在
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



 * Batch get values of different keys.
 * Will terminate immediately if any error occurs.
 * @param tableName table name
 * @param keys hashKey and sortKey pair list.
 * @param values output values; should be created by caller; if succeed, the size of values will
 *               be same with keys; the value of keys[i] is stored in values[i]; if the value of
 *               keys[i] is not found, then values[i] will be set to null.
 * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
 * Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public void batchGet(String tableName, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> keys, List<byte[]> values) throws PException;


  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:TableName、Keys。
    • 传出参数:Values。该变量需由调用者创建;如果读取成功,Values[i]中存放Keys[i]对应的结果,如果value不存在则为null。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,只要任意一个失败都会抛出异常。




* Batch get values of different keys.
* Will wait for all requests done even if some error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param keys hashKey and sortKey pair list.
* @param results output results; should be created by caller; after call done, the size of results will
*                be same with keys; the results[i] is a Pair:
*                - if Pair.left != null : means query keys[i] failed, Pair.left is the exception.
*                - if Pair.left == null : means query keys[i] succeed, Pair.right is the result value.
* @return succeed count.
* @throws PException
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public int batchGet2(String tableName, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> keys, List<Pair<PException, byte[]>> results) throws PException;


  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:TableName、Keys。
    • 传出参数:Results。该变量需由调用者创建;Results[i]中存放Keys[i]对应的结果;如果Results[i].left不为null(PException已设置),表示对Keys[i]的请求失败。
  • 返回值:请求成功的个数。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如参数错误、表名不存在等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,用户可以选择只使用成功的结果。



 * Get multiple value under the same hash key.
 * @param tableName table name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
 *                should not be null or empty.
 * @param sortKeys all the k-v under hashKey will be sorted by sortKey,
 *                if null or empty, means fetch all sortKeys under the hashKey.
 * @param maxFetchCount max count of k-v pairs to be fetched.
 *                      max_fetch_count <= 0 means no limit. default value is 100.
 * @param maxFetchSize max size of k-v pairs to be fetched.
 *                     max_fetch_size <= 0 means no limit. default value is 1000000.
 * @param values output values; if sortKey is not found, then it will not appear in values.
 *               the returned sortKey is just the same one in incoming sortKeys.
 * @return true if all data is fetched; false if only partial data is fetched.
 * @throws PException
public boolean multiGet(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, List<byte[]> sortKeys, int maxFetchCount, int maxFetchSize, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values) throws PException;
public boolean multiGet(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, List<byte[]> sortKeys, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values) throws PException;


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize。
  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKeys;选择性传入maxFetchCount、maxFetchSize。
    • 传出参数:数据通过values传出,values由用户在调用前new出来。
    • SortKeys如果非空,则只读取指定的数据;SortKeys如果为空,则表示读取该HashKey下的所有数据。
    • maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize用于限制读取的数据量,maxFetchCount表示最多读取的数据条数,maxFetchSize表示最多读取的数据字节数,两者任一达到限制就停止读取。
  • 返回值:如果用户指定了maxFetchCount或者maxFetchSize,单次查询可能只获取到部分结果。如果所有满足条件的数据都已经获取到,则返回true;否则返回false。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。


public enum FilterType {
    FT_MATCH_ANYWHERE(1), // match filter string at any position
    FT_MATCH_PREFIX(2),   // match filter string at prefix
    FT_MATCH_POSTFIX(3);  // match filter string at postfix
public class MultiGetOptions {
    public boolean startInclusive = true; // if the startSortKey is included
    public boolean stopInclusive = false; // if the stopSortKey is included
    public FilterType sortKeyFilterType = FilterType.FT_NO_FILTER; // filter type for sort key
    public byte[] sortKeyFilterPattern = null; // filter pattern for sort key
    public boolean noValue = false; // only fetch hash_key and sort_key, but not fetch value
    public boolean reverse = false; // if search in reverse direction
* Get multiple key-values under the same hashKey with sortKey range limited.
* @param tableName table name
* @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
*                should not be null or empty.
* @param startSortKey the start sort key.
*                     null means "".
* @param stopSortKey the stop sort key.
*                    null or "" means fetch to the last sort key.
* @param options multi-get options.
* @param maxFetchCount max count of kv pairs to be fetched
*                      maxFetchCount <= 0 means no limit. default value is 100
* @param maxFetchSize max size of kv pairs to be fetched.
*                     maxFetchSize <= 0 means no limit. default value is 1000000.
* @param values output values; if sortKey is not found, then it will not appear in values.
*               the returned sortKey is just the same one in incoming sortKeys.
* @return true if all data is fetched; false if only partial data is fetched.
* @throws PException
public boolean multiGet(String tableName, byte[] hashKey,
                    byte[] startSortKey, byte[] stopSortKey, MultiGetOptions options,
                    int maxFetchCount, int maxFetchSize,
                    List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values) throws PException;
public boolean multiGet(String tableName, byte[] hashKey,
                    byte[] startSortKey, byte[] stopSortKey, MultiGetOptions options,
                    List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values) throws PException;


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize。
  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、StartSortKey、StopSortKey、MultiGetOptions;选择性传入maxFetchCount、maxFetchSize。
    • 传出参数:数据通过values传出,values由用户在调用前new出来。
    • StopSortKeys如果为空,不论stopInclusive为何值,都会读到该HashKey的SortKey结束。
    • maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize用于限制读取的数据量,maxFetchCount表示最多读取的数据条数,maxFetchSize表示最多读取的数据字节数,两者任一达到限制就停止读取。需要注意的是,PegasusServer从1.12.3开始限制一次性读取的数据(包括过期和条件过滤的数据)为3000条,该接口读取的有效数据可能会小于期望的数值
    • MultiGetOptions说明:
      • startInclusive:是否包含StartSortKey,默认为true。
      • stopInclusive:是否包含StopSortKey,默认为false。
      • sortKeyFilterType:SortKey的过滤类型,包括无过滤、任意位置匹配、前缀匹配和后缀匹配,默认无过滤。
      • sortKeyFilterPattern:SortKey的过滤模式串,空串相当于无过滤。
      • noValue:只返回HashKey和SortKey,不返回Value数据,默认为false。
      • reverse:是否逆向扫描数据库,从后往前查找数据。但是查找得到的结果在list中还是按照SortKey从小到大顺序存放。从Pegasus Server 1.8.0时开始支持。
    • 返回值:如果读取了所有满足条件的数据,返回true;如果只读取了部分满足条件的数据,返回false。
    • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。
    • 示例:获取某个HashKey下的所有数据(注意如果数据条数太多容易超时)
      • multiGet(hashKey, null, null, new MultiGetOptions(), -1, -1, values);



* Batch get multiple values under the same hash key.
* Will terminate immediately if any error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param keys List{hashKey,List{sortKey}}; if List{sortKey} is null or empty, means fetch all
*             sortKeys under the hashKey.
* @param values output values; should be created by caller; if succeed, the size of values will
*               be same with keys; the data for keys[i] is stored in values[i].
* @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public void batchMultiGet(String tableName, List<Pair<byte[], List<byte[]>>> keys, List<HashKeyData> values) throws PException;


  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:TableName、Keys。Keys是一个Pair列表,Pair的左值是hashKey,右值是sortKey列表;如果Pair的右值为null或者空列表,则获取该hashKey下的所有数据。
    • 传出参数:Values。该List需由调用者创建;如果读取成功,Values[i]中存放Keys[i]对应的结果。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,只要任意一个失败都会抛出异常。




* Batch get multiple values under the same hash key.
* Will wait for all requests done even if some error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param keys List{hashKey,List{sortKey}}; if List{sortKey} is null or empty, means fetch all
*             sortKeys under the hashKey.
* @param results output results; should be created by caller; after call done, the size of results will
*                be same with keys; the results[i] is a Pair:
*                - if Pair.left != null : means query keys[i] failed, Pair.left is the exception.
*                - if Pair.left == null : means query keys[i] succeed, Pair.right is the result value.
* @return succeed count.
* @throws PException
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public int batchMultiGet2(String tableName, List<Pair<byte[], List<byte[]>>> keys, List<Pair<PException, HashKeyData>> results) throws PException;


  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:TableName、Keys。Keys是一个Pair列表,Pair的左值是hashKey,右值是sortKey列表;如果Pair的右值为null或者空列表,则获取该hashKey下的所有数据。
    • 传出参数:Results。该变量需由调用者创建;Results[i]中存放Keys[i]对应的结果;如果Results[i].left不为null(PException已设置),表示对Keys[i]的请求失败。
  • 返回值:请求成功的个数。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如参数错误、表名不存在等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,用户可以选择只使用成功的结果。



 * Set value.
 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
 *                if null or length == 0, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all the k-v under hashKey will be sorted by sortKey,
 *                if null or length == 0, means sort key is "".
 * @param value should not be null
 * @param ttl_seconds time to live in seconds,
 *                    0 means no ttl. default value is 0.
 * @throws PException
public void set(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, byte[] value, int ttl_seconds) throws PException;
public void set(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, byte[] value) throws PException;


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定TTL时间。
  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKey、value;选择性传入TTL,TTL必须>=0, 当<0时会抛出PException异常。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误、TTL<0等,会抛出 PException。



 * Batch set lots of values.
 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param items list of items.
 * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
 * Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public void batchSet(String tableName, List<SetItem> items) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、Items。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,只要任意一个失败都会抛出异常。




* Batch set lots of values.
* Will wait for all requests done even if some error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param items list of items.
* @param results output results; should be created by caller; after call done, the size of results will
*                be same with items; the results[i] is a PException:
*                - if results[i] != null : means set items[i] failed, results[i] is the exception.
*                - if results[i] == null : means set items[i] succeed.
* @return succeed count.
* @throws PException
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public int batchSet2(String tableName, List<SetItem> items, List<PException> results) throws PException;


  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:TableName、Items。
    • 传出参数:Results。该变量需由调用者创建;Results[i]中存放Items[i]对应的结果;如果Results[i]不为null(PException已设置),表示对Items[i]的请求失败。
  • 返回值:请求成功的个数。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如参数错误、表名不存在等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,用户可以选择只使用成功的结果。



 * Set multiple value under the same hash key.
 * @param tableName table name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
 *                should not be null or empty.
 * @param values all <sortkey,value> pairs to be set,
 *               should not be null or empty.
 * @param ttl_seconds time to live in seconds,
 *                    0 means no ttl. default value is 0.
 * @throws PException
public void multiSet(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values, int ttl_seconds) throws PException;
public void multiSet(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values) throws PException;


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定TTL时间。
  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、Values;选择性传入TTL,TTL必须>=0, 当<0时会抛出PException异常。
    • Values是Pair列表,Pair的第一个元素是SortKey,第二个元素为value。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误、TTL<0等,会抛出 PException。



* Batch set multiple value under the same hash key.
* Will terminate immediately if any error occurs.
* @param tableName TableHandler name
* @param items list of items.
* @param ttl_seconds time to live in seconds,
*                    0 means no ttl. default value is 0.
* @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public void batchMultiSet(String tableName, List<HashKeyData> items, int ttl_seconds) throws PException;
public void batchMultiSet(String tableName, List<HashKeyData> items) throws PException;


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定TTL时间。
  • 参数:需传入TableName、Items;选择性传入TTL,TTL必须>=0, 当<0时会抛出PException异常。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误、TTL<0等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,只要任意一个失败都会抛出异常。



* Batch set multiple value under the same hash key.
* Will wait for all requests done even if some error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param items list of items.
* @param ttl_seconds time to live in seconds,
*                    0 means no ttl. default value is 0.
* @param results output results; should be created by caller; after call done, the size of results will
*                be same with items; the results[i] is a PException:
*                - if results[i] != null : means set items[i] failed, results[i] is the exception.
*                - if results[i] == null : means set items[i] succeed.
* @return succeed count.
* @throws PException
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public int batchMultiSet2(String tableName, List<HashKeyData> items, int ttl_seconds, List<PException> results) throws PException;
public int batchMultiSet2(String tableName, List<HashKeyData> items, List<PException> results) throws PException;


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定TTL时间。
  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:TableName、Items;选择性传入TTL,TTL必须>=0, 当<0时会抛出PException异常。
    • 传出参数:Results。该变量需由调用者创建;Results[i]中存放Items[i]对应的结果;如果Results[i]不为null(PException已设置),表示对Items[i]的请求失败。
  • 返回值:请求成功的个数。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如参数错误、表名不存在、TTL<0等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,用户可以选择只使用成功的结果。



 * Delete value.
 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
 *                if null or length == 0, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all the k-v under hashKey will be sorted by sortKey,
 *                if null or length == 0, means sort key is "".
 * @throws PException
public void del(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKey。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



* Batch delete values of different keys.
* Will terminate immediately if any error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param keys hashKey and sortKey pair list.
* @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public void batchDel(String tableName, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> keys) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、Keys。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,只要任意一个失败都会抛出异常。




* Batch delete values of different keys.
* Will wait for all requests done even if some error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param keys hashKey and sortKey pair list.
* @param results output results; should be created by caller; after call done, the size of results will
*                be same with keys; the results[i] is a PException:
*                - if results[i] != null : means del keys[i] failed, results[i] is the exception.
*                - if results[i] == null : means del keys[i] succeed.
* @return succeed count.
* @throws PException
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public int batchDel2(String tableName, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> keys, List<PException> results) throws PException;


  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:TableName、Keys。
    • 传出参数:Results。该变量需由调用者创建;Results[i]中存放Keys[i]对应的结果;如果Results[i]不为null(PException已设置),表示对Keys[i]的请求失败。
  • 返回值:请求成功的个数。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如参数错误、表名不存在等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,用户可以选择只使用成功的结果。



 * Delete specified sort keys under the same hash key.
 * @param tableName table name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
 *                should not be null or empty.
 * @param sortKeys specify sort keys to be deleted.
 *                 should not be empty.
 * @throws PException
public void multiDel(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, List<byte[]> sortKeys) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKeys。
    • SortKeys不允许为空,如果不知道该HashKey下面有哪些SortKey,可以通过下面的multiGetSortKeys方法获取。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



* Batch delete specified sort keys under the same hash key.
* Will terminate immediately if any error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param keys List{hashKey,List{sortKey}}
* @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public void batchMultiDel(String tableName, List<Pair<byte[], List<byte[]>>> keys) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、Keys。Keys是一个Pair列表,Pair的左值是hashKey,右值是非空的sortKey列表。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,只要任意一个失败都会抛出异常。




* Batch delete specified sort keys under the same hash key.
* Will wait for all requests done even if some error occurs.
* @param tableName table name
* @param keys List{hashKey,List{sortKey}}
* @param results output results; should be created by caller; after call done, the size of results will
*                be same with keys; the results[i] is a PException:
*                - if results[i] != null : means del keys[i] failed, results[i] is the exception.
*                - if results[i] == null : means del keys[i] succeed.
* @return succeed count.
* @throws PException
* Notice: the method is not atomic, that means, maybe some keys succeed but some keys failed.
public int batchMultiDel2(String tableName, List<Pair<byte[], List<byte[]>>> keys, List<PException> results) throws PException;


  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:TableName、Keys。Keys是一个Pair列表,Pair的左值是hashKey,右值是非空的sortKey列表。
    • 传出参数:Results。该变量需由调用者创建;Results[i]中存放Keys[i]对应的结果;如果Results[i]不为null(PException已设置),表示对Keys[i]的请求失败。
  • 返回值:请求成功的个数。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如参数错误、表名不存在等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况,用户可以选择只使用成功的结果。



   * Delete key-values within range of startSortKey and stopSortKey under hashKey. Will terminate
   * immediately if any error occurs.
   * @param tableName table name
   * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist, should not be null or empty.
   * @param startSortKey the start sort key. null or "" means fetch to the first sort key.
   * @param stopSortKey the stop sort key. null or "" means fetch to the last sort key.
   * @param options del range options.
   * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
  public void delRange(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] startSortKey, byte[] stopSortKey,DelRangeOptions options) throws PException;

  public class DelRangeOptions {
    public byte[] nextSortKey = null;
    public boolean startInclusive = true; // whether the startSortKey is included
    public boolean stopInclusive = false; // whether the stopSortKey is included
    public FilterType sortKeyFilterType = FilterType.FT_NO_FILTER; // filter type for sort key
    public byte[] sortKeyFilterPattern = null; // filter pattern for sort key


  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:
      • startSortKey和stopSortKey是sortkey的起止key值。
      • DelRangeOptions:
        • nextSortKey:将要删除的第一个sortKey值,默认为null, 在删除开始后会动态记录下一个要删除的值。特别的,当删除过程中出现错误时,该参数可以记录接下来需要继续删除的sortKey
        • startInclusive:是否包含StartSortKey,默认为true
        • stopInclusive:是否包含StopSortKey,默认为false
        • sortKeyFilterType:SortKey的过滤类型,包括无过滤、任意位置匹配、前缀匹配和后缀匹配,默认无过滤。
        • sortKeyFilterPattern:SortKey的过滤模式串,空串相当于无过滤。
    • 传出参数:无。
  • 返回值:无。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如参数错误、表名不存在、超时等,会抛出 PException。
  • 注意:该方法不是原子的,有可能出现部分成功部分失败的情况。





 * Atomically increment value.
 * @param tableName the table name.
 * @param hashKey   the hash key to increment.
 * @param sortKey   the sort key to increment.
 * @param increment the increment to be added to the old value.
 * @return the new value.
 * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public long incr(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, long increment) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKey、Increment。
  • 返回值:操作成功后的新值。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。另外以下情况也会抛出异常:
    • 旧值转换为int64时出错,譬如不是合法的数字或者超出int64范围。
    • 旧值加上increment后的结果超出int64范围。
  • 其他说明:
    • 如果旧值不存在,则把旧值当做0处理,即新值等于increment。
    • TTL语义:如果旧值存在,新值的TTL和旧值保持一致;如果旧值不存在,新值将不设TTL。

从Pegasus Server v1.11.1版本开始支持在incr操作时修改TTL,需使用Pegasus Java Client 1.11.2-thrift-0.11.0-inlined-release及以上版本来使用这个功能。

 * Atomically increment value.
 * @param tableName the table name.
 * @param hashKey   the hash key to increment.
 * @param sortKey   the sort key to increment.
 * @param increment the increment to be added to the old value.
 * @param ttlSeconds time to live in seconds for the new value.
 *                   should be no less than -1. for the second method, the ttlSeconds is 0.
 *                   - if ttlSeconds == 0, the semantic is the same as redis:
 *                     - normally, increment will preserve the original ttl.
 *                     - if old data is expired by ttl, then set initial value to 0 and set no ttl.
 *                   - if ttlSeconds > 0, then update with the new ttl if increment succeed.
 *                   - if ttlSeconds == -1, then update to no ttl if increment succeed.
 * @return the new value.
 * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public long incr(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, long increment, int ttlSeconds) throws PException;
public long incr(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, long increment) throws PException;


  • 除了TTL之外,其他语义都与前面相同。
  • TTL操作说明:
    • 如果参数ttlSeconds == 0,则和redis语义保持一致:如果旧值存在,新值的TTL和旧值保持一致;如果旧值不存在,新值将不设TTL。
    • 如果参数ttlSeconds > 0,则将TTL设置为新值。
    • 如果参数ttlSeconds == -1,则清理掉TTL,即新值不再设置TTL。
    • 如果参数ttlSeconds < -1,则抛出异常。




  • 如果检查的条件满足,则将另一个SortKey(称之为SetSortKey)的value设置为新值。
  • 如果检查的条件不满足,则不执行set操作。



public enum CheckType {

    // appearance
    CT_VALUE_NOT_EXIST(1),          // value is not exist
    CT_VALUE_NOT_EXIST_OR_EMPTY(2), // value is not exist or value is empty
    CT_VALUE_EXIST(3),              // value is exist
    CT_VALUE_NOT_EMPTY(4),          // value is exist and not empty

    // match
    CT_VALUE_MATCH_ANYWHERE(5), // operand matches anywhere in value
    CT_VALUE_MATCH_PREFIX(6),   // operand matches prefix in value
    CT_VALUE_MATCH_POSTFIX(7),  // operand matches postfix in value

    // bytes compare
    CT_VALUE_BYTES_LESS(8),              // bytes compare: value < operand
    CT_VALUE_BYTES_LESS_OR_EQUAL(9),     // bytes compare: value <= operand
    CT_VALUE_BYTES_EQUAL(10),            // bytes compare: value == operand
    CT_VALUE_BYTES_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(11), // bytes compare: value >= operand
    CT_VALUE_BYTES_GREATER(12),          // bytes compare: value > operand

    // int compare: first transfer bytes to int64; then compare by int value
    CT_VALUE_INT_LESS(13),             // int compare: value < operand
    CT_VALUE_INT_LESS_OR_EQUAL(14),    // int compare: value <= operand
    CT_VALUE_INT_EQUAL(15),            // int compare: value == operand
    CT_VALUE_INT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(16), // int compare: value >= operand
    CT_VALUE_INT_GREATER(17);          // int compare: value > operand

public class CheckAndSetOptions {
    public int setValueTTLSeconds = 0; // time to live in seconds of the set value, 0 means no ttl.
    public boolean returnCheckValue = false; // if return the check value in results.

public class CheckAndSetResult {
     * return value for checkAndSet
     * @param setSucceed true if set value succeed.
     * @param checkValueReturned true if the check value is returned.
     * @param checkValueExist true if the check value is exist; can be used only when checkValueReturned is true.
     * @param checkValue return the check value if exist; can be used only when checkValueExist is true.
    boolean setSucceed;
    boolean checkValueReturned;
    boolean checkValueExist;
    byte[] checkValue;

 * Atomically check and set value by key.
 * If the check condition is satisfied, then apply to set value.
 * @param tableName    the table name.
 * @param hashKey      the hash key to check and set.
 * @param checkSortKey the sort key to check.
 * @param checkType    the check type.
 * @param checkOperand the check operand.
 * @param setSortKey   the sort key to set value if check condition is satisfied.
 * @param setValue     the value to set if check condition is satisfied.
 * @param options      the check-and-set options.
 * @return CheckAndSetResult
 * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public PegasusTableInterface.CheckAndSetResult checkAndSet(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] checkSortKey,
                                                           CheckType checkType, byte[] checkOperand,
                                                           byte[] setSortKey, byte[] setValue,
                                                           CheckAndSetOptions options) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、CheckSortKey、CheckType、CheckOperand、SetSortKey、SetValue、Options。
    • checkSortKey、checkType、checkOperand:用于指定检查的条件。
    • setSortKey、setValue:用于指定条件检查成功后要set的新值。
    • options:其他选项,包括:
      • setValueTTLSeconds:新值的TTL时间;TTL必须>=0,0表示不设置TTL限制,当<0时将抛出PException异常。
      • returnCheckValue:是否需要返回CheckSortKey对应的value。
  • 返回值:CheckAndSetResult,包括:
    • setSucceed:是否set成功。
    • checkValueReturned:是否返回了CheckSortKey对应的value。
    • checkValueExist:CheckSortKey对应的value是否存在;该域只有在checkValueReturned=true时有意义。
    • checkValue:CheckSortKey对应的value值;该域只有在checkValueExist=true时有意义。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误、TTL<0等,会抛出 PException。另外以下情况也会抛出异常:
    • 如果CheckType为int compare类型的操作,且CheckOperand或者CheckValue转换为int64时出错,譬如不是合法的数字或者超出int64范围。


checkAndMutate是checkAndSet的扩展版本:checkAndSet只允许set一个值,而checkAndMutate允许在单个原子操作中set或者del多个值。该接口从Pegasus Java Client 1.11.0-thrift-0.11.0-inlined-release版本开始提供。


class CheckAndMutateResult {
 * return value for checkAndMutate
 * @param mutateSucceed true if mutate succeed.
 * @param checkValueReturned true if the check value is returned.
 * @param checkValueExist true if the check value is exist; can be used only when
 *     checkValueReturned is true.
 * @param checkValue return the check value if exist; can be used only when checkValueExist is
 *     true.
public boolean mutateSucceed;

public boolean checkValueReturned;
public boolean checkValueExist;
public byte[] checkValue;

* atomically check and mutate by key, async version. if the check condition is satisfied, then
* apply to mutate.
* @param hashKey the hash key to check and mutate.
* @param checkSortKey the sort key to check.
* @param checkType the check type.
* @param checkOperand the check operand.
* @param mutations the list of mutations to perform if check condition is satisfied.
* @param options the check-and-mutate options.
* @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds. if timeout > 0, it is a
*     timeout value for current op, else the timeout value in the configuration file will be
*     used.
* @return the future for current op
*     <p>Future return: On success: return CheckAndMutateResult. On failure: a throwable, which
*     is an instance of PException
*     <p>Thread safety: All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in
*     the same thread, so all the listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as
*     the same order as the listeners added. But listeners for different tables are not
*     guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
Future<CheckAndMutateResult> asyncCheckAndMutate(
  byte[] hashKey,
  byte[] checkSortKey,
  CheckType checkType,
  byte[] checkOperand,
  Mutations mutations,
  CheckAndMutateOptions options,
  int timeout /*ms*/);


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、CheckSortKey、CheckType、CheckOperand、Mutations、Options。
    • checkSortKey、checkType、checkOperand:用于指定检查的条件。
    • mutations:用于指定条件检查成功后要实施的set或者del操作。
    • options:其他选项,包括:
      • returnCheckValue:是否需要返回CheckSortKey对应的value。
  • 返回值:CheckAndMutateResult,包括:
    • mutateSucceed:是否实施成功。
    • checkValueReturned:是否返回了CheckSortKey对应的value。
    • checkValueExist:CheckSortKey对应的value是否存在;该域只有在checkValueReturned=true时有意义。
    • checkValue:CheckSortKey对应的value值;该域只有在checkValueExist=true时有意义。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。另外以下情况也会抛出异常:
    • 如果CheckType为int compare类型的操作,且CheckOperand或者CheckValue转换为int64时出错,譬如不是合法的数字或者超出int64范围。



  • CheckSortKey和SetSortKey相同。



public static class CompareExchangeResult {
     * return value for CompareExchange
     * @param setSucceed true if set value succeed.
     * @param actualValue return the actual value if set value failed; null means the actual value is not exist.
    boolean setSucceed;
    byte[] actualValue;

 * Atomically compare and exchange value by key.
 * <p>
 * - if the original value for the key is equal to the expected value, then update it with the desired value,
 *   set CompareExchangeResult.setSucceed to true, and set CompareExchangeResult.actualValue to null because
 *   the actual value must be equal to the desired value.
 * - if the original value for the key is not exist or not equal to the expected value, then set
 *   CompareExchangeResult.setSucceed to false, and set the actual value in CompareExchangeResult.actualValue.
 * <p>
 * This method is very like the C++ function in {}.
 * @param tableName     the table name.
 * @param hashKey       the hash key to compare and exchange.
 * @param sortKey       the sort key to compare and exchange.
 * @param expectedValue the value expected to be found for the key.
 * @param desiredValue  the desired value to set if the original value for the key is equal to the expected value.
 * @param ttlSeconds    time to live in seconds of the desired value, 0 means no ttl.
 * @return CompareExchangeResult
 * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
public PegasusTableInterface.CompareExchangeResult compareExchange(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey,
                                                                   byte[] expectedValue, byte[] desiredValue,
                                                                   int ttlSeconds) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKey、ExpectedValue、DesiredValue、ttlSeconds。
    • hashKey、sortKey:用于指定数据的key。
    • expectedValue:期望的旧值。
    • desiredValue:如果旧值等于expectedValue,需要设置的新值。
    • ttlSeconds:新值的TTL时间;TTL必须>=0,0表示不设置TTL限制,当TTL<0时将抛出PException异常。
  • 返回值:CompareExchangeResult,包括:
    • setSucceed:是否set成功,如果旧数据不存在,则set失败。
    • actualValue:如果set失败,返回该value的实际值;null表示不存在。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误、TTL<0等,会抛出 PException。


获取单行数据的TTL时间。TTL表示Time To Live,表示该数据还能存活多久。如果超过存活时间,数据就读不到了。

 * Get ttl time.
 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
 *                if null or length == 0, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all the k-v under hashKey will be sorted by sortKey,
 *                if null or length == 0, means sort key is "".
 * @return ttl time in seconds; -1 if no ttl set; -2 if not exist.
 * @throws PException
public int ttl(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKey。
  • 返回值:TTL时间,单位为秒。如果该数据没有设置TTL,返回-1;如果该数据不存在,返回-2。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



 * Check value exist by key from the cluster
 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist.
 * @param sortKey all keys under the same hashKey will be sorted by sortKey
 * @return true if exist, false if not exist
 * @throws PException
public boolean exist(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKey。
  • 返回值:如果存在返回true,否则返回false。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist.
 * @return the count result for the hashKey
 * @throws PException
public long sortKeyCount(String tableName, byte[] hashKey) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey。
  • 返回值:返回HashKey下所有SortKey的个数。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



 * Get multiple sort keys under the same hash key.
 * @param tableName table name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
 *                should not be null or empty.
 * @param maxFetchCount max count of k-v pairs to be fetched.
 *                      max_fetch_count <= 0 means no limit. default value is 100.
 * @param maxFetchSize max size of k-v pairs to be fetched.
 *                     max_fetch_size <= 0 means no limit. default value is 1000000.
 * @param sortKeys output sort keys.
 * @return true if all data is fetched; false if only partial data is fetched.
 * @throws PException
public boolean multiGetSortKeys(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, int maxFetchCount, int maxFetchSize, List<byte[]> sortKeys) throws PException;
public boolean multiGetSortKeys(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, List<byte[]> sortKeys) throws PException;


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize。
  • 参数:
    • 传入参数:需传入TableName、HashKey;选择性传入maxFetchCount、maxFetchSize。
    • 传出参数:数据通过sortKeys传出,sortKeys由用户在调用前new出来。
    • maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize用于限制读取的数据量,maxFetchCount表示最多读取的数据条数,maxFetchSize表示最多读取的数据字节数,两者任一达到限制就停止读取。
  • 返回值:如果用户指定了maxFetchCount或者maxFetchSize,单次查询可能只获取到部分结果。如果所有满足条件的数据都已经获取到,则返回true;否则返回false。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



public enum FilterType {
    FT_MATCH_ANYWHERE(1), // match filter string at any position
    FT_MATCH_PREFIX(2),   // match filter string at prefix
    FT_MATCH_POSTFIX(3);  // match filter string at postfix
public class ScanOptions {
    public int timeoutMillis = 5000; // operation timeout in milli-seconds.
                                     // if timeoutMillis > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
                                     // else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
    public int batchSize = 1000; // internal buffer batch size
    public boolean startInclusive = true; // if the startSortKey is included
    public boolean stopInclusive = false; // if the stopSortKey is included
    public FilterType hashKeyFilterType = FilterType.FT_NO_FILTER; // filter type for hash key
    public byte[] hashKeyFilterPattern = null; // filter pattern for hash key
    public FilterType sortKeyFilterType = FilterType.FT_NO_FILTER; // filter type for sort key
    public byte[] sortKeyFilterPattern = null; // filter pattern for sort key
    public boolean noValue = false; // only fetch hash_key and sort_key, but not fetch value
 * Get Scanner for {startSortKey, stopSortKey} within hashKey
 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
 * @param startSortKey start sort key scan from
 *                     if null or length == 0, means start from begin
 * @param stopSortKey stop sort key scan to
 *                    if null or length == 0, means stop to end
 * @param options scan options like endpoint inclusive/exclusive
 * @return scanner              
 * @throws PException
public PegasusScannerInterface getScanner(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] startSortKey, byte[] stopSortKey, ScanOptions options) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、StartSortKey、StopSortKey、ScanOptions。
    • StartSortKey和StopSortKey用于指定scan的返回,并通过ScanOptions指定区间的开闭。
    • 如果StartSortKey为null,表示从头开始;如果StopSortKey为null,表示一直读到尾。
    • ScanOptions说明:
      • timeoutMillis:从server端读取数据的超时时间,单位毫秒,默认值为5000。
      • batchSize:从server端读取数据时每批数据的个数,默认值为1000。
      • startInclusive:是否包含StartSortKey,默认为true。
      • stopInclusive:是否包含StopSortKey,默认为false。
      • hashKeyFilterType:HashKey的过滤类型,包括无过滤、任意位置匹配、前缀匹配和后缀匹配,默认无过滤。
      • hashKeyFilterPattern:HashKey的过滤模式串,空串相当于无过滤。
      • sortKeyFilterType:SortKey的过滤类型,包括无过滤、任意位置匹配、前缀匹配和后缀匹配,默认无过滤。
      • sortKeyFilterPattern:SortKey的过滤模式串,空串相当于无过滤。
      • noValue:只返回HashKey和SortKey,不返回Value数据,默认为false。
  • 返回值:返回迭代器PegasusScannerInterface。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



 * Get Scanners for all data in database
 * @param tableName TableHandler name
 * @param maxSplitCount how many scanner expected
 * @param options scan options like batchSize
 * @return scanners, count of which would be no more than maxSplitCount
 * @throws PException
public List<PegasusScannerInterface> getUnorderedScanners(String tableName, int maxSplitCount, ScanOptions options) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、maxSplitCount、ScanOptions。
    • maxSplitCount:用于决定返回的迭代器的个数。当返回多个迭代器时,每个迭代器可以访问表中的部分数据。通过返回迭代器列表,用户可以进行并发scan或者在MapReduce中使用。如果不需要多个迭代器,可以将其设置为1。
    • ScanOptions同上。
  • 返回值:返回迭代器PegasusScannerInterface列表。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。



* Open a table. Please notice that pegasus support two kinds of API:
*     1. the client-interface way, which is provided in this class.
*     2. the table-interface way, which is provided by {@link PegasusTableInterface}.
* With the client-interface, you don't need to create PegasusTableInterface by openTable, so
* you can access the pegasus cluster conveniently. However, the client-interface's api also has
* some restrictions:
*     1. we don't provide async methods in client-interface.
*     2. the timeout in client-interface isn't as accurate as the table-interface.
*     3. the client-interface may throw an exception when open table fails. It means that
*        you may need to handle this exception in every data access operation, which is annoying.
*     4. You can't specify a per-operation timeout.
* So we recommend you to use the table-interface.
* @param tableName the table should be exist on the server, which is created before by
*                  the system administrator
* @return the table handler
* @throws PException
public PegasusTableInterface openTable(String tableName) throws PException;


  • 如果网络超时或者表不存在,都会抛出异常。


  PegasusTableInterface table = client.openTable(tableName);





异步API使用Future模式,具体来说是使用的 io.netty.util.concurrent.Future (参见 )。每个异步接口的返回值都是一个Future<T>,其中T是该操作返回结果的类型。Future具有如下特性:

  • 可以通过 addListener() 方法设置一个或者多个Listener,即异步回调函数。回调函数会在操作完成时被调用;如果在add时操作已经完成,回调函数就会被立即调用;回调函数被调用的顺序与添加的顺序一致。
  • 可以通过 await() 方法等待操作完成。但是注意的是await()方法只能保证操作完成以及下面的三个方法可用,并不能保证回调函数已经被执行。
  • 在操作完成后,可以通过 isSuccess() 方法判断操作是否成功;如果成功,可以通过 getNow() 方法获取结果;如果失败,可以通过 cause() 方法获取异常。



// 获取Table实例
PegasusTableInterface table = client.openTable(tableName);
// 发起异步调用
Future<Boolean> future = table.asyncExist(hashKey, sortKey, 0);
// 设置回调函数
        new ExistListener() {
            public void operationComplete(Future<Boolean> future) throws Exception {
                if (future.isSuccess()) {
                    Boolean result = future.getNow();
                else {
// 等待操作完成




public static interface GetListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<byte[]>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncGet future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<byte[]> future) throws Exception;
 * Get value for a specific (hashKey, sortKey) pair, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                if null or empty, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all keys under the same hashKey will be sorted by sortKey
 *                if null or empty, means sort key is "".
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: the got value
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      The api is thread safe.
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<byte[]> asyncGet(byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 参数:需传入HashKey、SortKey、timeout。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
  • 返回值:Future<byte[]>。



public static class MultiGetResult {
     * return value for multiGet
     * @param allFetched true if all data on the server are fetched; false if only partial data are fetched.
     * @param values the got values. If sortKey in the input sortKeys is not found, it won't be in values.
     *               The output values are ordered by the sortKey.
    public boolean allFetched;
    public List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values;
public static interface MultiGetListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<MultiGetResult>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncMultiGet future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<MultiGetResult> future) throws Exception;
 * get multiple key-values under the same hashKey, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                should not be null or empty.
 * @param sortKeys try to get values of sortKeys under the hashKey
 *                 if null or empty, try to get all (sortKey,value) pairs under hashKey
 * @param maxFetchCount max count of kv pairs to be fetched
 *                      maxFetchCount <= 0 means no limit. default value is 100
 * @param maxFetchSize max size of kv pairs to be fetched.
 *                     maxFetchSize <= 0 means no limit. default value is 1000000.
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: An object of type MultiGetResult
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<MultiGetResult> asyncMultiGet(byte[] hashKey, List<byte[]> sortKeys, int maxFetchCount, int maxFetchSize, int timeout/*ms*/);
public Future<MultiGetResult> asyncMultiGet(byte[] hashKey, List<byte[]> sortKeys, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize。
  • 参数:需传入HashKey、SortKeys、timeout;选择性传入maxFetchCount、maxFetchSize。
    • SortKeys如果非空,则只读取指定的数据;SortKeys如果为空,则表示读取该HashKey下的所有数据。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
    • maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize用于限制读取的数据量,maxFetchCount表示最多读取的数据条数,maxFetchSize表示最多读取的数据字节数,两者任一达到限制就停止读取。
  • 返回值:Future<MultiGetResult>。
    • allFetched:如果用户指定了maxFetchCount或者maxFetchSize,单次查询可能只获取到部分结果。如果所有满足条件的数据都已经获取到,则设置为true;否则设置为false。


     * get multiple key-values under the same hashKey with sortKey range limited, async version
     * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
     *                should not be null or empty.
     * @param startSortKey the start sort key.
     *                     null means "".
     * @param stopSortKey the stop sort key.
     *                    null or "" means fetch to the last sort key.
     * @param options multi-get options.
     * @param maxFetchCount max count of kv pairs to be fetched
     *                      maxFetchCount <= 0 means no limit. default value is 100
     * @param maxFetchSize max size of kv pairs to be fetched.
     *                     maxFetchSize <= 0 means no limit. default value is 1000000.
     * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
     *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
     *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
     * @return the future for current op
     * Future return:
     *      On success: An object of type MultiGetResult
     *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
     * Thread safety:
     *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
     *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
     *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
    public Future<MultiGetResult> asyncMultiGet(byte[] hashKey, byte[] startSortKey, byte[] stopSortKey,
                                                MultiGetOptions options, int maxFetchCount, int maxFetchSize,
                                                int timeout/*ms*/);
    public Future<MultiGetResult> asyncMultiGet(byte[] hashKey, byte[] startSortKey, byte[] stopSortKey,
                                                MultiGetOptions options, int timeout/*ms*/);




public static interface SetListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<Void>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncSet future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<Void> future) throws Exception;
 * Set value for a specific (hashKey, sortKey) pair, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                if null or empty, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all keys under the same hashKey will be sorted by sortKey
 *                if null or empty, means sort key is "".
 * @param value should not be null
 * @param ttlSeconds time to live in seconds
 *                   0 means no ttl, default value is 0
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: no return
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      The api is thread safe.
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<Void> asyncSet(byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, byte[] value, int ttlSeconds, int timeout/*ms*/);
public Future<Void> asyncSet(byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, byte[] value, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定TTL时间。
  • 参数:需传入HashKey、SortKey、Value、timeout;选择性传入TTL。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
    • ttlSeconds是数据的TTL时间,单位为秒。TTL必须>=0, 0表示不设置TTL时间,当TTL<0时将抛出PException异常。
  • 返回值:Future<Void>。



public static interface MultiSetListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<Void>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncMultiSet future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<Void> future) throws Exception;
 * Set key-values for a specific hashKey, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                if null or empty, means hash key is "".
 * @param values all (sortKey, value) pairs
 *               should not be null or empty
 * @param ttlSeconds time to live in seconds
 *                   0 means no ttl, default value is 0
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: no return
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<Void> asyncMultiSet(byte[] hashKey, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values, int ttlSeconds, int timeout/*ms*/);
public Future<Void> asyncMultiSet(byte[] hashKey, List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定TTL时间。
  • 参数:需传入HashKey、Values、timeout;选择性传入ttlSeconds。
    • Values是Pair列表,Pair的第一个元素是SortKey,第二个元素为value。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
    • ttlSeconds是数据的TTL时间,单位为秒。TTL必须>=0, 0表示不设置TTL时间,当TTL<0时将抛出PException异常。
  • 返回值:Future<Void>。



public static interface DelListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<Void>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncDel future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<Void> future) throws Exception;
 * delete value for a specific (hashKey, sortKey) pair, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                if null or empty, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all keys under the same hashKey will be sorted by sortKey
 *                if null or empty, means sort key is "".
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: no return
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<Void> asyncDel(byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 参数:需传入HashKey、SortKey、timeout。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
  • 返回值:Future<Void>。



public static interface MultiDelListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<Void>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncMultiDel future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<Void> future) throws Exception;
 * delete mutiple values for a specific hashKey, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                if null or empty, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKeys all the sortKeys need to be deleted
 *                 should not be null or empty
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: no return
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<Void> asyncMultiDel(byte[] hashKey, List<byte[]> sortKeys, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 参数:需传入HashKey、SortKeys、timeout。
    • SortKeys不允许为空,如果不知道该HashKey下面有哪些SortKey,可以通过multiGetSortKeys方法获取。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
  • 返回值:Future<Void>。



public static interface IncrListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<Long>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncIncr future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception throw exception if any error occurs.
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<Long> future) throws Exception;

 * atomically increment value by key, async version
 * @param hashKey   the hash key to increment.
 * @param sortKey   the sort key to increment.
 * @param increment the increment to be added to the old value.
 * @param timeout   how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                  if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                  else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * <p>
 * Future return:
 * On success: return new value.
 * On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * <p>
 * Thread safety:
 * All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 * listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 * But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<Long> asyncIncr(byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, long increment, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 参数和返回值:参见同步接口incr



public static class CheckAndSetResult {
     * return value for checkAndSet
     * @param setSucceed true if set value succeed.
     * @param checkValueReturned true if the check value is returned.
     * @param checkValueExist true if the check value is exist; can be used only when checkValueReturned is true.
     * @param checkValue return the check value if exist; can be used only when checkValueExist is true.
    boolean setSucceed;
    boolean checkValueReturned;
    boolean checkValueExist;
    byte[] checkValue;

public static interface CheckAndSetListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<CheckAndSetResult>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncCheckAndSet future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception throw exception if any error occurs.
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<CheckAndSetResult> future) throws Exception;

 * atomically check and set value by key, async version.
 * if the check condition is satisfied, then apply to set value.
 * @param hashKey      the hash key to check and set.
 * @param checkSortKey the sort key to check.
 * @param checkType    the check type.
 * @param checkOperand the check operand.
 * @param setSortKey   the sort key to set value if check condition is satisfied.
 * @param setValue     the value to set if check condition is satisfied.
 * @param options      the check-and-set options.
 * @param timeout      how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                     if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                     else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * <p>
 * Future return:
 * On success: return CheckAndSetResult.
 * On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * <p>
 * Thread safety:
 * All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 * listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 * But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<CheckAndSetResult> asyncCheckAndSet(byte[] hashKey, byte[] checkSortKey, CheckType checkType,
                                                  byte[] checkOperand, byte[] setSortKey, byte[] setValue,
                                                  CheckAndSetOptions options, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 参数和返回值:参见同步接口checkAndSet



public static class CompareExchangeResult {
     * return value for CompareExchange
     * @param setSucceed true if set value succeed.
     * @param actualValue return the actual value if set value failed; null means the actual value is not exist.
    boolean setSucceed;
    byte[] actualValue;

public static interface CompareExchangeListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<CompareExchangeResult>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncCompareExchange future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception throw exception if any error occurs.
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<CompareExchangeResult> future) throws Exception;

 * atomically compare and exchange value by key, async version.
 * <p>
 * - if the original value for the key is equal to the expected value, then update it with the desired value,
 *   set CompareExchangeResult.setSucceed to true, and set CompareExchangeResult.actualValue to null because
 *   the actual value must be equal to the desired value.
 * - if the original value for the key is not exist or not equal to the expected value, then set
 *   CompareExchangeResult.setSucceed to false, and set the actual value in CompareExchangeResult.actualValue.
 * <p>
 * this method is very like the C++ function in {}.
 * @param hashKey       the hash key to compare and exchange.
 * @param sortKey       the sort key to compare and exchange.
 * @param expectedValue the value expected to be found for the key.
 * @param desiredValue  the desired value to set if the original value for the key is equal to the expected value.
 * @param ttlSeconds    time to live in seconds of the desired value, 0 means no ttl.
 * @param timeout       how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                      if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                      else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * <p>
 * Future return:
 * On success: return CompareExchangeResult.
 * On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * <p>
 * Thread safety:
 * All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 * listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 * But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<CompareExchangeResult> asyncCompareExchange(byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey,
                                                          byte[] expectedValue, byte[] desiredValue,
                                                          int ttlSeconds, int timeout/*ms*/);




public static interface TTLListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<Integer>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncTTL future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<Integer> future) throws Exception;
 * get TTL value for a specific (hashKey, sortKey) pair, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                if null or empty, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all keys under the same hashKey will be sorted by sortKey
 *                if null or empty, means sort key is "".
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: ttl time in seconds; -1 if no ttl set; -2 if not exist.
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<Integer> asyncTTL(byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 参数:需传入HashKey、SortKey、timeout。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
  • 返回值:Future<Integer>。
    • 返回结果为TTL时间,单位为秒。如果该数据没有设置TTL,返回-1;如果该数据不存在,返回-2。



public static interface ExistListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<Boolean>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncExist future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<Boolean> future) throws Exception;
 * Check value existence for a specific (hashKey, sortKey) pair of current table, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                if null or length == 0, means hash key is "".
 * @param sortKey all keys under the same hashKey will be sorted by sortKey
 *                if null or length == 0, means sort key is "".
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return A future for current op.
 * Future return:
 *      On success: true if exist, false if not exist
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      The api is thread safe.
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<Boolean> asyncExist(byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 参数:需传入HashKey、SortKey、timeout。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
  • 返回值:Future<Boolean>。
    • 返回结果是个布尔值。如果存在返回true,否则返回false。



public static interface SortKeyCountListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<Long>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncSortKeyCount future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<Long> future) throws Exception;
 * Count the sortkeys for a specific hashKey, async version
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                should not be null or empty
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: the count result for the hashKey
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      The api is thread safe.
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<Long> asyncSortKeyCount(byte[] hashKey, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 参数:需传入HashKey、timeout。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
  • 返回值:Future<Long>。
    • 返回结果为HashKey下所有SortKey的个数。



public static class MultiGetSortKeysResult {
     * return value for multiGetSortkeys
     * @param allFetched true if all data on the server are fetched; false if only partial data are fetched.
     * @param keys the got keys.
     *             The output keys are in order.
    public boolean allFetched;
    public List<byte[]> keys;
public static interface MultiGetSortKeysListener extends GenericFutureListener<Future<MultiGetSortKeysResult>> {
     * This function will be called when listened asyncMultiGetSortKeys future is done.
     * @param future the listened future
     * @throws Exception
     * Notice: User shouldn't do any operations that may block or time-consuming
    public void operationComplete(Future<MultiGetSortKeysResult> future) throws Exception;
 * get all the sortKeys for the same hashKey
 * @param hashKey used to decide which partition the key may exist
 *                should not be null or empty.
 * @param maxFetchCount max count of kv pairs to be fetched
 *                      maxFetchCount <= 0 means no limit. default value is 100
 * @param maxFetchSize max size of kv pairs to be fetched.
 *                     maxFetchSize <= 0 means no limit. default value is 1000000.
 * @param timeout how long will the operation timeout in milliseconds.
 *                if timeout > 0, it is a timeout value for current op,
 *                else the timeout value in the configuration file will be used.
 * @return the future for current op
 * Future return:
 *      On success: An object of type MultiGetSortKeysResult
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException
 * Thread safety:
 *      All the listeners for the same table are guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread, so all the
 *      listeners for the same future are guaranteed to be executed as the same order as the listeners added.
 *      But listeners for different tables are not guaranteed to be dispatched in the same thread.
public Future<MultiGetSortKeysResult> asyncMultiGetSortKeys(byte[] hashKey, int maxFetchCount, int maxFetchSize, int timeout/*ms*/);
public Future<MultiGetSortKeysResult> asyncMultiGetSortKeys(byte[] hashKey, int timeout/*ms*/);


  • 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize。
  • 参数:需传入HashKey、timeout;选择性传入maxFetchCount、maxFetchSize。
    • timeout单位为毫秒,如果<=0,表示使用配置文件中的默认超时。
    • maxFetchCount和maxFetchSize用于限制读取的数据量,maxFetchCount表示最多读取的数据条数,maxFetchSize表示最多读取的数据字节数,两者任一达到限制就停止读取。
  • 返回值:Future<MultiGetSortKeysResult>。
    • allFetched:如果用户指定了maxFetchCount或者maxFetchSize,单次查询可能只获取到部分结果。如果所有满足条件的数据都已经获取到,则设置为true;否则设置为false。




 * Get the next item.
 * @return item like <<hashKey, sortKey>, value>; null returned if scan completed.
 * @throws PException
public Pair<Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]> next() throws PException;


  • 返回值:Pair<Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]>。
    • 下一条kv-pair;若scan操作完成,则返回null。



 * Get the next item asynchronously.
 * @return A future for current op.
 * Future return:
 *      On success: if scan haven't reach the end then return the kv-pair, else return null.
 *      On failure: a throwable, which is an instance of PException.
public Future<Pair<Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]>> asyncNext();


  • 返回值:Future<Pair<Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]>>。
  • 在scan未扫描完成之前,会返回需要的kv-pair;当scan扫描完成之后,返回null。




  • 集群中没有建表。
  • 访问了错误的集群。在日志中搜索meta_servers,看集群的配置是否正确。
  • 表名拼写错误。检查代码中的表名是否正确;在日志中搜索initialize table handler,看表名是否正确。



  • 网络连接出错。
  • 读写延迟超过了超时时间。
  • 服务出现抖动。



  • 服务端正在做replica迁移,发生了状态切换。
  • 服务端有节点宕机,造成备份数不够,为了保证数据一致性,服务降级,变得不可用。
  • 如果是客户端初始化时得到该错误,可能是由于 meta 配置不正确,请检查配置



  • 集群服务端对表设置了表级写流量控制
  • 此时该表的瞬时流量(在这1秒内的写入操作数)达到了阈值,触发了reject流控操作,返回ERR_BUSY错误码。





  • 写QPS太大,会影响读性能,造成读操作延迟上升;
  • 写QPS太大,可能会造成集群无法承受压力而停止服务;



  • 首先定好总的QPS限制是多少(譬如10000/s),有多少个并发的客户端访问线程(譬如50个),然后计算出每个线程的QPS限制(譬如10000/50=200)。
  • 对于单个客户端线程,通过流控工具将QPS限制在期望的范围内。如果超过了QPS限制,就采用简单的sleep方式来等待。我们提供了一个流控工具类,把计算QPS和执行sleep的逻辑封装起来,方便用户使用。


  • 构造函数接受一个QPS参数,用于指定流量限制,譬如单线程QPS只允许200/s,就传入200;
  • 用户在每次需要执行写操作之前调用cntl.getToken()方法,该方法产生两种可能:
    • 如果当前未达到流量控制,则无阻塞直接返回,继续执行后面的写操作;
    • 如果当前已经达到流量限制,则该方法会阻塞(sleep)一段时间才返回,以达到控制流量的效果。
  • 该工具尽量配合同步接口使用,对于异步接口可能效果没那么好。


FlowController cntl = new FlowController(qps);
while (true) {
    // call getToken before operation

在分布式灌数据的场景下,用户可以先确定分布式的Task并发数,然后通过总QPS限制 / Task并发数,得到单个Task的QPS限制,再使用FlowController进行控制。


类似实现网页列表的分页功能。 典型地,一个HashKey下有很多SortKey,一页只显示固定数量的SortKey,下一页时再显示接下来的固定数量的SortKey。


  1. 一次性获取HaskKey下的全部数据,在业务端缓存下来,由业务端自己实现分页逻辑。
  2. 顺序分页:可以使用multiGet()getScanner()方法,这两者都支持SortKey的范围查询
  3. 逆序分页:请使用multiGet()方法,其支持SortKey的逆序查询


使用 getScanner 接口:

ScanOptions options = new ScanOptions();
options.startInclusive = true;
options.stopInclusive = false;
options.batchSize = 20; // 限制每页的大小为 20
byte[] startSortKey = null;
byte[] stopSortKey = null;
PegasusScannerInterface scanner =
  client.getScanner(tableName, hashKey, startSortKey, stopSortKey, options);

// 同步方式获取
Pair<Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]> item;
while ((item = != null) {
  // ... //

// 异步方式获取
Future<Pair<Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]>> item;
while (true) {
  item = scanner.asyncNext();
  try {
    Pair<Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]> pair = item.get();
    if (pair == null) {
    // ... //
  } catch (Exception e) {

如果你使用 multiGet,在 MultiGetOptions 中还需设置 maxFetchCount,限制每页条数:

// 查第一页
MultiGetOptions options = new MultiGetOptions();
options.startInclusive = true;
options.stopInclusive = false;
int maxFetchCount = 20; // 限制每页的大小为 20
int maxFetchSize = 20000; // 限制每页的总字节数为 20000
byte[] startSortKey = null;
byte[] stopSortKey = null;
List<Pair<byte[], byte[]>> values = new ArrayList<>();
boolean allFetched =
        tableName, hashKey, startSortKey, stopSortKey, options,
        maxFetchCount, maxFetchSize, values);
if (allFetched) {

// ... //

// 查下一页
options.startInclusive = false;
options.stopInclusive = false;
startSortKey = values.get(values.size() - 1); // 以上一页的最后(最大)一个值作为下一页查询的开始
stopSortKey = null;
allFetched =
        tableName, hashKey, startSortKey, stopSortKey, options,
        maxFetchCount, maxFetchSize, values);
if (allFetched) {



MultiGetOptions options = new MultiGetOptions();
options.startInclusive = true;
options.stopInclusive = false;
options.reverse = true;




  • json:好处是数据可读性好;坏处是比较占空间。不推荐。
  • thrift:提供了多种Compact协议,常见的有binary协议。但是推荐用tcompact协议,因为这种协议的压缩率更高。
  • protobuf:与thrift类似,推荐序列化为binary格式。


    import org.apache.thrift.TSerializer;
    import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol;

    TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); 
    byte[] bytes = serializer.serialize(data);


对于value较大(>=2kb)的业务,我们推荐在客户端使用facebook/Zstandard压缩算法(简称 Zstd)对数据进行压缩,以减少value的数据长度,提升Pegasus的服务稳定性和读写性能。Zstd算法在压缩比和压缩速率上取得较好的平衡,适合通用场景。

从Java Client 1.11.3版本开始,我们提供了Zstd压缩工具类,方便用户实现压缩功能。


    byte[] value = "xxx";

    // write the record into pegasus
    table.set("h".getBytes(), "s".getBytes(), ZstdWrapper.compress(value), 1000);

    // read the record from pegasus
    byte[] compressedBuf = table.get("h".getBytes(), "s".getBytes(), 1000);

    // decompress the value
    byte[] orginalValue = ZstdWrapper.decompress(compressedBuf);


以上两个优化 数据序列化数据压缩 可以在客户端同时使用,都是用客户端的CPU换取Pegasus集群的稳定性和读写性能。在通常情况下这都是值得的。


  • 评估压缩收益:评估通过客户端压缩是否能够获得足够好的压缩率。
  • 使用兼容性压缩:升级业务端使用Pegasus Java客户端的逻辑,增加客户端压缩支持,同时兼容原来未压缩的数据。




  • 业务集群:user_cluster,meta配置地址为${user_cluster_meta_list},其中用户表为user_table。
  • 测试集群:test_cluster,meta配置地址为${test_cluster_meta_list}
  • Shell工具:使用1.11.3及以上版本;修改配置文件src/shell/config.ini,添加访问test_cluster集群的配置项。
  • Java客户端工具:使用1.11.4及以上版本;修改配置文件,设置meta_servers = ${test_cluster_meta_list}


  • 使用Shell工具的create命令,在test_cluster集群中新建测试表user_table_no_compress和user_table_zstd_compress:
    ./ shell --cluster ${test_cluster_meta_list}
    >>> create user_table_no_compress -p 8 -r 3
    >>> create user_table_zstd_compress -p 8 -r 3
  • 使用Shell工具的copy_data命令,将业务集群的user_table表的部分数据复制到测试集群的user_table_no_compress表中(在复制足够条数后通过Ctrl-C中断执行):
    ./ shell --cluster ${user_cluster_meta_list}
    >>> use user_table
    >>> copy_data -c test_cluster -a user_table_no_compress
  • 使用Java客户端工具的copy_data命令,将测试集群user_table_no_compress表的数据复制到user_table_zstd_compress表中,并设置数据写出时采用zstd压缩:
    ./PegasusCli file://./ user_table_no_compress \
      copy_data file://./ user_table_zstd_compress none zstd
  • 使用Shell工具的count_data命令,分别统计两个测试表的数据大小,然后计算压缩率:
    ./ shell --cluster ${test_cluster_meta_list}
    >>> use user_table_no_compress 
    >>> count_data -a
    >>> use user_table_zstd_compress 
    >>> count_data -a





  • 首先,尝试将客户端读到的value数据进行解压缩,如果成功,则说明是已压缩的数据。
  • 如果上一步解压缩失败,则说明读到的是未压缩的数据,不需要解压。


    // decompress the value
    byte[] decompressedValue = null;
    try {
        decompressedValue = ZstdWrapper.decompress(value);
    } catch (PException e) {
        // decompress fail
        decompressedValue = value;


客户端连接预热(Warm Up)



  PegasusTableInterface table = client.openTable(tableName);


Copyright © 2023 The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Apache Pegasus is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

Apache Pegasus, Pegasus, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Pegasus project logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the United States and other countries.