Table 环境变量


为了对 table 的一些行为进行控制,Pegasus 提供了 table 环境变量,又称之为 app envs

Table 环境变量以 map 的形式存储在该表的元数据中(Thrift 结构 app_info 中),并持久化到 Apache Zookeeper 上。

通过 shell 工具的 ls 命令 查看表信息,最后一列 envs_count 指明了该表的环境变量个数。例如:

>>> ls
app_id  status     app_name  app_type  partition_count  replica_count  is_stateful  create_time          drop_time  drop_expire  envs_count
2       AVAILABLE  temp      pegasus   8                3              true         2024-04-15_06:58:38  -          -            1

如果要查看具体的 table 环境变量,则需要使用 get_app_envs 命令。

Table 环境变量具有如下特性:

  • 作为 table 的元数据持久化到 Apache Zookeeper 上。
  • 可以通过命令行动态修改,修改成功后会立即更新到 Apache Zookeeper 上。
  • 通过 Meta Server 和 Replica Server 的周期性同步消息 config_sync 同步给各个 Replica Server 生效。

    由于是周期性同步,所以环境变量更新后可能不会在 Replica Server 上立即生效,而是有一个延迟。这个延迟时间依赖于配置 config_sync_interval_ms 的值,默认是 30 秒。

  • 环境变量的 key 通常使用 . 分隔,方便分类。

目前通过 table 环境变量支持的功能如:


Pegasus 的 Shell 工具 中提供了操作 table 环境变量的命令。这些命令执行前都需要先执行 use <table_name> 选择需要操作的表。


参考:get_app_envs 命令


参考:set_app_envs 命令


参考:del_app_envs 命令


参考:clear_app_envs 命令


从 Pegasus 2.6 开始,可通过 Meta Server 的 HTTP 接口 /envs/list 获取所有支持的 table 环境变量。 例如:

$ curl
  "": {
    "limitation": "",
    "sample": "",
    "type": "string"
  "default_ttl": {
    "limitation": ">= 0",
    "sample": "86400",
    "type": "unsigned int32"
  "manual_compact.disabled": {
    "limitation": "true | false",
    "sample": "true",
    "type": "bool"
  "manual_compact.max_concurrent_running_count": {
    "limitation": ">= 0",
    "sample": "8",
    "type": "unsigned int32"
  "manual_compact.once.bottommost_level_compaction": {
    "limitation": "force | skip",
    "sample": "skip",
    "type": "string"
  "manual_compact.once.target_level": {
    "limitation": "-1 or >= 1",
    "sample": "6",
    "type": "unsigned int64"
  "manual_compact.once.trigger_time": {
    "limitation": "> 0, timestamp (in seconds) to trigger the once manual compaction",
    "sample": "1700000000",
    "type": "unsigned int64"
  "manual_compact.periodic.bottommost_level_compaction": {
    "limitation": "force | skip",
    "sample": "skip",
    "type": "string"
  "manual_compact.periodic.target_level": {
    "limitation": "-1 or >= 1",
    "sample": "6",
    "type": "unsigned int64"
  "manual_compact.periodic.trigger_time": {
    "limitation": "",
    "sample": "",
    "type": "string"
  "replica.backup_request_throttling": {
    "limitation": "<size[K|M]>*<delay|reject>*<milliseconds>",
    "sample": "10000*delay*100,20000*reject*100",
    "type": "string"
  "replica.deny_client_request": {
    "limitation": "timeout*all | timeout*write | timeout*read | reconfig*all | reconfig*write | reconfig*read",
    "sample": "timeout*all",
    "type": "string"
  "replica.read_throttling": {
    "limitation": "<size[K|M]>*<delay|reject>*<milliseconds>",
    "sample": "10000*delay*100,20000*reject*100",
    "type": "string"
  "replica.read_throttling_by_size": {
    "limitation": "",
    "sample": "20000*delay*100,20000*reject*100",
    "type": "string"
  "replica.rocksdb_block_cache_enabled": {
    "limitation": "true | false",
    "sample": "true",
    "type": "bool"
  "replica.rocksdb_iteration_threshold_time_ms": {
    "limitation": ">= 0",
    "sample": "1000",
    "type": "unsigned int64"
  "replica.slow_query_threshold": {
    "limitation": ">= 20",
    "sample": "1000",
    "type": "unsigned int64"
  "replica.split.validate_partition_hash": {
    "limitation": "true | false",
    "sample": "true",
    "type": "bool"
  "replica.write_throttling": {
    "limitation": "<size[K|M]>*<delay|reject>*<milliseconds>",
    "sample": "10000*delay*100,20000*reject*100",
    "type": "string"
  "replica.write_throttling_by_size": {
    "limitation": "<size[K|M]>*<delay|reject>*<milliseconds>",
    "sample": "10000*delay*100,20000*reject*100",
    "type": "string"
  "replica_access_controller.allowed_users": {
    "limitation": "",
    "sample": "",
    "type": "string"
  "replica_access_controller.ranger_policies": {
    "limitation": "",
    "sample": "",
    "type": "string"
  "rocksdb.allow_ingest_behind": {
    "limitation": "true | false",
    "sample": "true",
    "type": "bool"
  "rocksdb.checkpoint.reserve_min_count": {
    "limitation": "> 0",
    "sample": "2",
    "type": "unsigned int32"
  "rocksdb.checkpoint.reserve_time_seconds": {
    "limitation": ">= 0",
    "sample": "3600",
    "type": "unsigned int32"
  "rocksdb.num_levels": {
    "limitation": "In range [1, 10]",
    "sample": "6",
    "type": "unsigned int64"
  "rocksdb.usage_scenario": {
    "limitation": "bulk_load | normal | prefer_write",
    "sample": "normal",
    "type": "string"
  "rocksdb.write_buffer_size": {
    "limitation": "In range [16777216, 536870912]",
    "sample": "16777216",
    "type": "unsigned int64"
  "user_specified_compaction": {
    "limitation": "",
    "sample": "",
    "type": "string"
Copyright © 2023 The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Apache Pegasus is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

Apache Pegasus, Pegasus, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Pegasus project logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the United States and other countries.