C++ 客户端



./run.sh pack_client




run = true
count = 1
;network.client.RPC_CHANNEL_TCP = dsn::tools::sim_network_provider, 65536
;network.client.RPC_CHANNEL_UDP = dsn::tools::sim_network_provider, 65536
;network.server.0.RPC_CHANNEL_TCP = dsn::tools::sim_network_provider, 65536

type = dsn.app.mimic
arguments =
run = true
count = 1

;tool = simulator
;tool = fastrun
tool = nativerun
;toollets = tracer
;toollets = tracer, profiler, fault_injector
pause_on_start = false
cli_local = false
cli_remote = false

start_nfs = false

logging_start_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
logging_factory_name = dsn::tools::simple_logger
logging_flush_on_exit = true

enable_default_app_mimic = true

data_dir = ./data

short_header = true
fast_flush = true
max_number_of_log_files_on_disk = 10
stderr_start_level = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR

per_thread_buffer_bytes = 8192
max_number_of_log_files_on_disk = 10

random_seed = 0

; how many network threads for network library(used by asio)
io_service_worker_count = 4

; specification for each thread pool
worker_count = 4

name = default
partitioned = false
max_input_queue_length = 1024
worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL
worker_count = 4

is_trace = false
is_profile = false
allow_inline = false
fast_execution_in_network_thread = false
rpc_call_header_format = NET_HDR_DSN
rpc_call_channel = RPC_CHANNEL_TCP
rpc_timeout_milliseconds = 5000

onebox = @LOCAL_IP@:34601,@LOCAL_IP@:34602,@LOCAL_IP@:34603
another_cluster = @SOME_IP@:34601,@SOME_IP@:34601,@SOME_IP@:34601





namespace pegasus {
class pegasus_client_factory
    /// \brief initialize
    /// initialize pegasus client lib. must call this function before anything else.
    /// \param config_file
    /// the configuration file of client lib
    /// \return
    /// true indicate the initailize is success.
    static bool initialize(const char *config_file);

    /// \brief get_client
    /// get an instance for a given cluster and a given app name.
    /// \param cluster_name
    /// the pegasus cluster name.
    /// a cluster can have multiple apps.
    /// \param app_name
    /// an app is a logical isolated k-v store.
    /// a cluster can have multiple apps.
    /// \return
    /// the client instance. DO NOT delete this client even after usage.
    static pegasus_client *get_client(const char *cluster_name, const char *app_name);
} //end namespace


if (!pegasus::pegasus_client_factory::initialize("config.ini")) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: init pegasus failed\n");
    return -1;
/**succeed, continue**/


  • 参数:config_file 见 配置文件 的介绍
  • 返回值:bool值,true代表初始化成功,false初始化失败
  • 该函数只需在一个进程生命周期内调用一次即可,并且非线程安全的


pegasus::pegasus_client* pg_client = pegasus::pegasus_client_factory::get_client("cluster_name", "table_name");
if (pg_client == nullptr) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: get pegasus client failed\n");
    return -1;
/***  do what you want with pg_client ****/

注意: get_client返回值不能明确的调用delete,也不能用智能指针封装,框架在停止的时候自动释放(底层使用单例来保存)


Cpp客户端提供两种接口,异步API 和 同步API,同步API是基于异步API实现的,具体如下:



    /// \brief set
    ///     store the k-v to the cluster.
    ///     key is composed of hashkey and sortkey.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to put this k-v
    /// \param sortkey
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// \param value
    /// the value we want to store.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \param ttl_seconds
    /// time to live of this value, if expired, will return not found; 0 means no ttl
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string()
    virtual int set(const std::string &hashkey,
                    const std::string &sortkey,
                    const std::string &value,
                    int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                    int ttl_seconds = 0,
                    internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;


  • internal_info 结构如下,主要是记录在写入成功之后,该条数据的一些信息,在使用之前需要判断info是否为空
     struct internal_info
         int32_t app_id;
         int32_t partition_index;
         int64_t decree;
         std::string server;
         internal_info() : app_id(-1), partition_index(-1), decree(-1) {}
  • 返回值:int值来表示是否成功,通过get_error_string() 函数来判断返回值的意义(下面的所有同步接口的返回值,都可以通过该函数判断返回值意义)
     /// \brief get_error_string
     /// get error string
     /// all the function above return an int value that indicates an error can be converted into a
     /// string for human reading.
     /// \param error_code
     /// all the error code are defined in "error_def.h"
     /// \return
     virtual const char *get_error_string(int error_code) const = 0;



     /// \brief asynchronous set
     ///     store the k-v to the cluster.
     ///     will not be blocked, return immediately.
     ///     key is composed of hashkey and sortkey.
     /// \param hashkey
     /// used to decide which partition to put this k-v
     /// \param sortkey
     /// all the k-v under hashkey will be stored by sortkey.
     /// \param value
     /// the value we want to store.
     /// \param callback
     /// the callback function will be invoked after operation finished or error occurred.
     /// \param timeout_milliseconds
     /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error.
     /// \param ttl_seconds
     /// time to live of this value, if expired, will return not found; 0 means no ttl.
     /// \return
     /// void.
     virtual void async_set(const std::string &hashkey,
                            const std::string &sortkey,
                            const std::string &value,
                            async_set_callback_t &&callback = nullptr,
                            int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                            int ttl_seconds = 0) = 0;



    /// \brief multi_set (guarantee atomicity)
    ///     store multiple k-v of the same hashkey to the cluster.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to put this k-v
    /// \param kvs
    /// all <sortkey,value> pairs to be set. should not be empty
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \param ttl_seconds
    /// time to live of this value, if expired, will return not found; 0 means no ttl
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string().
    /// return PERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if param kvs is empty.
    virtual int multi_set(const std::string &hashkey,
                          const std::map<std::string, std::string> &kvs,
                          int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                          int ttl_seconds = 0,
                          internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;



    /// \brief asynchronous multi_set (guarantee atomicity)
    ///     store multiple k-v of the same hashkey to the cluster.
    ///     will not be blocked, return immediately.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to put this k-v
    /// \param kvs
    /// all <sortkey,value> pairs to be set. should not be empty
    /// \param callback
    /// the callback function will be invoked after operation finished or error occurred.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \param ttl_seconds
    /// time to live of this value, if expired, will return not found; 0 means no ttl
    /// \return
    /// void.
    virtual void async_multi_set(const std::string &hashkey,
                                 const std::map<std::string, std::string> &kvs,
                                 async_multi_set_callback_t &&callback = nullptr,
                                 int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                                 int ttl_seconds = 0) = 0;



    /// \brief get
    ///     get value by key from the cluster.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkey
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// \param value
    /// the returned value will be put into it.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string().
    /// returns PERR_NOT_FOUND if no value is found under the <hashkey,sortkey>.
    virtual int get(const std::string &hashkey,
                    const std::string &sortkey,
                    std::string &value,
                    int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                    internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;



    /// \brief asynchronous get
    ///     get value by key from the cluster.
    ///     will not be blocked, return immediately.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkey
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// \param callback
    /// the callback function will be invoked after operation finished or error occurred.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// void.
    virtual void async_get(const std::string &hashkey,
                           const std::string &sortkey,
                           async_get_callback_t &&callback = nullptr,
                           int timeout_milliseconds = 5000) = 0;



    /// \brief multi_get
    ///     get multiple value by key from the cluster.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkeys
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// if empty, means fetch all sortkeys under the hashkey.
    /// \param values
    /// the returned <sortkey,value> pairs will be put into it.
    /// if data is not found for some <hashkey,sortkey>, then it will not appear in the map.
    /// \param max_fetch_count
    /// max count of k-v pairs to be fetched. max_fetch_count <= 0 means no limit.
    /// \param max_fetch_size
    /// max size of k-v pairs to be fetched. max_fetch_size <= 0 means no limit.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string().
    /// returns PERR_OK if fetch done, even no data is returned.
    /// returns PERR_INCOMPLETE is only partial data is fetched.
    virtual int multi_get(const std::string &hashkey,
                          const std::set<std::string> &sortkeys,
                          std::map<std::string, std::string> &values,
                          int max_fetch_count = 100,
                          int max_fetch_size = 1000000,
                          int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                          internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;

注:max_fetch_count 和 max_fetch_size 分别从kv-pair的条数 和 总的大小来限制multi_get的返回值



    /// \brief asynchronous multi_get
    ///     get multiple value by key from the cluster.
    ///     will not be blocked, return immediately.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkeys
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// if empty, means fetch all sortkeys under the hashkey.
    /// \param callback
    /// the callback function will be invoked after operation finished or error occurred.
    /// \param max_fetch_count
    /// max count of k-v pairs to be fetched. max_fetch_count <= 0 means no limit.
    /// \param max_fetch_size
    /// max size of k-v pairs to be fetched. max_fetch_size <= 0 means no limit.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// void.
    virtual void async_multi_get(const std::string &hashkey,
                                 const std::set<std::string> &sortkeys,
                                 async_multi_get_callback_t &&callback = nullptr,
                                 int max_fetch_count = 100,
                                 int max_fetch_size = 1000000,
                                 int timeout_milliseconds = 5000) = 0;



    /// \brief multi_get_sortkeys
    ///     get multiple sort keys by hash key from the cluster.
    ///     only fetch sort keys, but not fetch values.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkeys
    /// the returned sort keys will be put into it.
    /// \param max_fetch_count
    /// max count of sort keys to be fetched. max_fetch_count <= 0 means no limit.
    /// \param max_fetch_size
    /// max size of sort keys to be fetched. max_fetch_size <= 0 means no limit.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string().
    /// returns PERR_OK if fetch done, even no data is returned.
    /// returns PERR_INCOMPLETE is only partial data is fetched.
    virtual int multi_get_sortkeys(const std::string &hashkey,
                                   std::set<std::string> &sortkeys,
                                   int max_fetch_count = 100,
                                   int max_fetch_size = 1000000,
                                   int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                                   internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;

注:max_fetch_count 和 max_fetch_size 分别限制返回的sortkey的个数与总大小(计算大小的时候,为每条sortkey都计算一次hashkey的大小)



    /// \brief asynchronous multi_get_sortkeys
    ///     get multiple sort keys by hash key from the cluster.
    ///     only fetch sort keys, but not fetch values.
    ///     will not be blocked, return immediately.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param callback
    /// the callback function will be invoked after operation finished or error occurred.
    /// \param max_fetch_count
    /// max count of sort keys to be fetched. max_fetch_count <= 0 means no limit.
    /// \param max_fetch_size
    /// max size of sort keys to be fetched. max_fetch_size <= 0 means no limit.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// void.
    virtual void async_multi_get_sortkeys(const std::string &hashkey,
                                          async_multi_get_sortkeys_callback_t &&callback = nullptr,
                                          int max_fetch_count = 100,
                                          int max_fetch_size = 1000000,
                                          int timeout_milliseconds = 5000) = 0;



    /// \brief exist
    ///     check value exist by key from the cluster.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkey
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string().
    /// returns PERR_OK if exist.
    /// returns PERR_NOT_FOUND if not exist.
    virtual int exist(const std::string &hashkey,
                      const std::string &sortkey,
                      int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                      internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;



    /// \brief sortkey_count
    ///     get sortkey count by hashkey from the cluster.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param count
    /// the returned sortkey count
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string().
    virtual int sortkey_count(const std::string &hashkey,
                              int64_t &count,
                              int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                              internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;



    /// \brief del
    ///     del stored k-v by key from cluster
    ///     key is composed of hashkey and sortkey. must provide both to get the value.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide from which partition to del this k-v
    /// \param sortkey
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string()
    virtual int del(const std::string &hashkey,
                    const std::string &sortkey,
                    int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                    internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;



    /// \brief asynchronous del
    ///     del stored k-v by key from cluster
    ///     key is composed of hashkey and sortkey. must provide both to get the value.
    ///     will not be blocked, return immediately.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide from which partition to del this k-v
    /// \param sortkey
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// \param callback
    /// the callback function will be invoked after operation finished or error occurred.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// void.
    virtual void async_del(const std::string &hashkey,
                           const std::string &sortkey,
                           async_del_callback_t &&callback = nullptr,
                           int timeout_milliseconds = 5000) = 0;



    /// \brief multi_del
    ///     delete multiple value by key from the cluster.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkeys
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey. should not be empty.
    /// \param deleted_count
    /// return count of deleted k-v pairs.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string().
    virtual int multi_del(const std::string &hashkey,
                          const std::set<std::string> &sortkeys,
                          int64_t &deleted_count,
                          int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                          internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;



    /// \brief asynchronous multi_del
    ///     delete multiple value by key from the cluster.
    ///     will not be blocked, return immediately.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkeys
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey. should not be empty.
    /// \param callback
    /// the callback function will be invoked after operation finished or error occurred.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// void.
    virtual void async_multi_del(const std::string &hashkey,
                                 const std::set<std::string> &sortkeys,
                                 async_multi_del_callback_t &&callback = nullptr,
                                 int timeout_milliseconds = 5000) = 0;


获取单行数据的TTL时间。TTL表示Time To Live,表示该数据还能存活多久。如果超过存活时间,数据就读不到了

    /// \brief ttl (time to live)
    ///     get ttl in seconds of this k-v.
    ///     key is composed of hashkey and sortkey. must provide both to get the value.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// used to decide which partition to get this k-v
    /// \param sortkey
    /// all the k-v under hashkey will be sorted by sortkey.
    /// \param ttl_seconds
    /// the returned ttl value in seconds.
    /// \param timeout_milliseconds
    /// if wait longer than this value, will return time out error
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string()
    virtual int ttl(const std::string &hashkey,
                    const std::string &sortkey,
                    int &ttl_seconds,
                    int timeout_milliseconds = 5000,
                    internal_info *info = NULL) = 0;


获取针对某个hashkey下的sortkey区间 [sortkeyA ~ sortkeyB)的一个scanner

    /// \brief get hash scanner
    ///     get scanner for [start_sortkey, stop_sortkey) of hashkey
    /// \param hashkey
    /// cannot be empty
    /// \param start_sortkey
    /// sortkey to start with
    /// \param stop_sortkey
    /// sortkey to stop. ""(empty string) represents the max key
    /// \param options
    /// which used to indicate scan options, like which bound is inclusive
    /// \param scanner
    /// out param, used to get k-v
    /// this pointer should be deleted when scan complete
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string()
    virtual int get_scanner(const std::string &hashkey,
                            const std::string &start_sortkey, // start from beginning if this set ""
                            const std::string &stop_sortkey,  // to the last item if this set ""
                            const scan_options &options,
                            pegasus_scanner *&scanner) = 0;


异步获取针对某个hashkey下的sortkey区间 [sortkeyA ~ sortkeyB)的一个scanner

    /// \brief async get hash scanner
    ///     get scanner for [start_sortkey, stop_sortkey) of hashkey
    ///     will not be blocked, return immediately.
    /// \param hashkey
    /// cannot be empty
    /// \param start_sortkey
    /// sortkey to start with
    /// \param stop_sortkey
    /// sortkey to stop. ""(empty string) represents the max key
    /// \param options
    /// which used to indicate scan options, like which bound is inclusive
    /// \param callback
    /// return status and scanner in callback, and the latter should be deleted when scan complete
    virtual void
    async_get_scanner(const std::string &hashkey,
                      const std::string &start_sortkey, // start from beginning if this set ""
                      const std::string &stop_sortkey,  // to the last item if this set ""
                      const scan_options &options,
                      async_get_scanner_callback_t &&callback) = 0;



    /// \brief get a bundle of scanners to iterate all k-v in table
    ///        scanners should be deleted when scan complete
    /// \param max_split_count
    /// the number of scanners returned will always <= max_split_count
    /// \param options
    /// which used to indicate scan options, like timeout_milliseconds
    /// \param scanners
    /// out param, used to get k-v
    /// these pointers should be deleted
    /// \return
    /// int, the error indicates whether or not the operation is succeeded.
    /// this error can be converted to a string using get_error_string()
    virtual int get_unordered_scanners(int max_split_count,
                                       const scan_options &options,
                                       std::vector<pegasus_scanner *> &scanners) = 0;



    /// \brief async get a bundle of scanners to iterate all k-v in table
    ///        scannners return by callback should be deleted when all scan complete
    /// \param max_split_count
    /// the number of scanners returned will always <= max_split_count
    /// \param options
    /// which used to indicate scan options, like timeout_milliseconds
    /// \param callback; return status and scanner in this callback
    virtual void
    async_get_unordered_scanners(int max_split_count,
                                 const scan_options &options,
                                 async_get_unordered_scanners_callback_t &&callback) = 0;
Copyright © 2023 The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Apache Pegasus is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

Apache Pegasus, Pegasus, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Pegasus project logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the United States and other countries.