
Prepare servers

The Pegasus distributed cluster requires at least these servers to be prepared:

  • MetaServer: 2 or 3 servers, no SSD required.
  • ReplicaServer: At least 3 servers, it is recommended to mount SSD disks. Multiple disks can improve the throughput capacity of a single node, and each server should mount the same number and performance (e.g., IOPS, bandwidth and R/W latency) of disks to ensure load balancing.
  • Collector: Optional role, 1 server, no SSD required. This process is mainly used to collect and summarize cluster metrics, with a small load. It is recommended to deploy it on one of the MetaServer servers.

Prepare Apache Zookeeper

The Pegasus cluster relies on Zookeeper for metadata storage and MetaServer leader election, therefore requiring a Zookeeper service.

  • It is recommended to deploy Zookeeper in the same server room as the Pegasus cluster server.

Prepare configuration files

Since 1.7.1, Pegasus has provided configuration file, you need to modify the file to replace all variables in the form of %{xxx} with appropriate values. As follows:

Variables Description Example
%{} Cluster name. Indicator reporting labels that will be used for collectors, etc my_cluster
%{home.dir} Pegasus home path. It will store global configuration files, such as disk blacklist configuration files /home/work
%{app.dir} Program working path. The data files and log files will be placed here by default /home/work/app/pegasus
%{slog.dir} The path to store the shared-log files. It is recommended to place it on an exclusive SSD drive. If there is no available SSD disk, it can be set as an empty string, indicating that %{app.dir} is used by default. Deprecate since version 2.6 /home/work/ssd1/pegasus
%{data.dirs} A list of paths to store user data, separated by commas. Each path needs to be specified with a name in the format of name1:path1,name2:path2. If there is no available SSD disk, it can be set as an empty string, indicating that %{app.dir} is used by default ssd2:/home/work/ssd2/pegasus,ssd3:/home/work/ssd3/pegasus
%{meta.server.list} MetaServer address list, separated by commas. In the format of ip1:port1,ip2:port2. Note: Currently, only IP addresses are supported and hostnames are not supported,
%{zk.server.list} Zookeeper address list, separated by commas. In the format of ip1:port1,ip2:port2,

Please refer to the meaning of configuration

Note: The same variable may appear in multiple places, so it is important to ensure that all %{xxx} variables are replaced.

How to configure multiple SSD disks

If there are multiple SSD disks, it is recommended to use one SSD disk specifically for slog (i.e., shared-log) and the other disks to store user data for each replicas.

For example, suppose the server has 4 disks and the mounting path is /home/work/ssd{id}, where {id}=1,2,3,4. So you can use ssd1 for slog, which can be configured as follows:

  slog_dir = /home/work/ssd1/pegasus
  data_dirs = ssd2:/home/work/ssd2/pegasus,ssd3:/home/work/ssd3/pegasus,ssd4:/home/work/ssd4/pegasus

If there is only one SSD drive, then both slog and each replicas data share this drive. Assuming the SSD disk mounting path is /home/work/ssd, it can be configured as follows:

  slog_dir = /home/work/ssd/pegasus/{}
  data_dirs = ssd:/home/work/ssd/pegasus/{}

How to configure multiple network cards

There is a section in the configuration file:

  primary_interface =

Specify network card through primary_interface:

  • If there is only one network card, it can be set as an empty string to automatically obtain the appropriate network card address. The specific strategy is to search for the first address that complies with the 10.\*.\*.\*/172.16.\*.\*/192.168.\*.\* rule (i.e., the intranet address) in the output list of the ifconfig command, which will ignore the loopback address and virtual address.
  • If there are multiple network cards, please specify the network card name. If not specified, the first address that complies with 10.\*.\*.\*/172.16.\*.\*/192.168.\*.\* rules will be used.

For example, if there are multiple network cards and you want to use the eth2 network card, you can configure it as follows:

  primary_interface = eth2

Preparing to deploy packages

The three roles of ReplicaServer, MetaServer, and Collector share the same program binaries and configuration files.

At first build Pegasus. After building, run the following command to package and generate a server-side deployment package:

./ pack_server

After successful packed, a directory and a tar.gz package named pegasus-server-{version}-{gitSHA}-{platform}-{buildType} will be generated in the local path. There is a bin/ directory that contains pegasus_server program binary and dependency libraries, as well as the recently modified config.ini file.

Copy the tar.gz package to the server that needs to be deployed and unzip it.

Start Service

Before starting the server, it is necessary to add the path of the dynamic link libraries that the program depends on to LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/your/pegasus/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Start MetaServer:

cd bin/
./pegasus_server config.ini -app_list meta

Start ReplicaServer:

cd bin/
./pegasus_server config.ini -app_list replica

Start Collector:

cd bin/
./pegasus_server config.ini -app_list collector
  • After the cluster is successfully started, a temp table will be created by default, which is also used for the cluster availability detection by the Collector.
  • Use Shell tools to view various states of the cluster.
  • If the startup fails, you can check the logs in %{app.dir}/log to troubleshoot the issue.


Cluster cleaning

If you want to completely redeploy the cluster and clean up all data, you need to clean up the following environment, otherwise there may be issues when starting a new cluster:

  • Remove the %{app.dir}, %{slog.dir} and %{data.dirs} directories of MetaServer,ReplicaServer and Collector
  • Remove the %{cluster_root} path of Zookeeper
Copyright © 2023 The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Apache Pegasus is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

Apache Pegasus, Pegasus, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Pegasus project logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the United States and other countries.